Excellent way to retain customers for Vietnamese businesses
Market economy grows, customers have more choices, customer demand gradually shift and change.
Do not run according to your customers
Customer strategy is to chase away customers, the price strategy is to raise prices, the sales strategy is not need for revenue, but the task is to keep customers. Do not rush to follow all the requirements of customers in all the market.
Let’s take the initiative
Brand has only 4 choices
Identify the “Winning zone” green area you will easily brand positioning, find a strategic direction for business. Do not rush to follow all the requirements of customers in all the market but you need to understand about them, understand as your own business has been a big success step.
Understand customers throughout the product lifecycle
Product life cycle
Do not assume that, to create products and invest heavily in communication, get the sympathy of customers will have the opportunity to succeed. That is not enough, because understanding the customer needs to start when the idea of the product is just beginning.
The ability to understand customers differently will create competitive advantage, help businesses create, innovate and gain market share.
Thoroughly handle the “cancer-causing germs” in the sales system
Why CRM software (Customer Relationship Management) get the satisfaction of most businesses? Why ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) get the trust of entrepreneurs? Why is the eSmile (Customer Satisfaction) solution popular?
All these solutions were created with the aim of perfecting the enterprise resource system, catching up with the trend of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. More importantly, productivity and efficiency of enterprise resources are optimized.
Trong các hệ thống giải pháp này, eSmile là giải pháp tương tác trực tiếp với khách hàng. Giúp doanh nghiệp giải quyết triệt để “mầm bệnh gây ung thư” trong hệ thống bán hàng – Nơi quyết định doanh thu của mỗi doanh nghiệp.
Capture every customer’s change of pace by technology
eSmile at the Mobifone store
eSmile – Customer satisfaction rating solution, an honest, efficient, instant and modern tool for evaluating service quality, contributes to differentiating the business. At the same time, eSmile is also an effective tool for evaluating employee KPIs, customer feedback about employees is stored on the system and reports are sent to the management.
eSmile allows customers to evaluate the quality of products / services and the performance of their employees in terms of “Satisfaction” and “Not satisfied” or different criteria depending on the requirements of each guest. Each criterion is analyzed in various categories such as: Products, services, staff, time, space, etc… In addition, the eSmile solution also decentralized the visitor, allowing the output of statistical reports, charts for management work. With eSmile you can customize the functionality required by each business.
The advent of technological solutions that support small businesses to cope and adapt to the changing needs of today’s customers.
To find out more information about eSmile – Customer satisfaction rating solution, you can visit here: http://e-smile.vn/ website by eHotel. The unit has more than 10 years of experience in providing customer care solutions for domestic and foreign enterprises, ready to go along with businesses that lead the demand and tastes of customers in the edge economy Contemporary painting.
Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Address: 162/12 Binh Loi, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Hotline: (+84) 903 051 288